Totalcon 2019 After-Action Report

BRW Games had a booth at this past weekend’s Totalcon convention for the first time. We came prepared with the old standards – Adventures Dark and Deep and Castle of the Mad Archmage – and plenty of the latest books, but also had a large supply of old-school Steve Jackson Games board game titles like Ogre, Ogre Miniatures, and Car Wars.

I’m happy to report that the con was a success on all fronts. The convention itself is an amazing experience, with tons of board and RPG games happening, a vibrant dealer’s room and exhibitors hall, and a terrific staff that were more than happy and able to smooth over any rough patches and answer any questions. It’s billed as New England’s largest gaming convention, and I certainly believe it, with more than a thousand passes sold. Our own offerings were very well-received, and I’m pleased to say that many friends were made both in and out of the vendor room.

It was also good to see old friends like the Frog Gods, Jeffrey Talanian, Erik Tenkar, and many, many others. Although I need to rethink my “close the bar the first night you get there” strategy. Ahem. Although I did find a new brand of mead (Groennfell Meadery) that produces several flavors of excellent mead in cans!

I cannot recommend this convention highly enough. If you’re anywhere in range of Massachusetts, do yourself the favor and try to make it.


Posted in Conventions.