Errata for Adventures Dark and Deep

Hey all!

One thing that people have been asking for over the years is an errata, so they can have all the various minor tweaks that have been made to the rules over the years. It’s especially helpful for people with hard copies of the books. Well, we’ve taken a first, tiny step in that direction and released version 0.1 of the Adventures Dark and Deep Errata, which right now consists of a single table (the updated Multi-Class Options by Race table, for those who are curious). This is just a start, of course, and over the coming months the plan is to get all of the errata compiled into this single document, and keep it updated going forward. This is not an inconsequential project, and it’s happening on top of everything else that’s going on, but it’s definitely something that you all will find useful.

For now, you can download the pdf here. Once it gets a little more robust, it will go up on DriveThruRPG as a free download.

RPGNow merging into DriveThruRPG

From OneBookShelf (the owners of both RPGNow and DriveThruRPG):

Dear publisher,

Starting in February 2019, all elements of the RPGNow tool pages and storefront will redirect to similar pages on DriveThruRPG.

You most likely know this, but since RPGNow and DriveThruRPG first merged as businesses back in 2006, they have shared all the same tools and digital inventory. On the front end, they looked and behaved like two separate sites, but essentially they have just been two faces of the same site for many years. The only real differences were the color schemes and logos.

You might have some questions about the coming change, so we’ve done our best to anticipate and answer them below.

How will this affect me?

In most ways, you’ll be unaffected. Your entire catalog of titles from RPGNow is already listed on DriveThruRPG (as it always has been), and you can log in to DriveThruRPG using the same account(s) you’ve always used on RPGNow, just as you could before.

Even your old bookmarks to pages on will still work: They’ll automatically be redirected to the same page on DriveThruRPG.

What about sales reporting? Will my past sales be combined?

Yes, as far as sales records and your titles’ metal rankings, we will be merging those together.

Starting in February, your sales records will show combined sales of each title across both the deprecated RPGNow site and DriveThruRPG, together. The number of unit sales will also be combined, so if you had metal rankings for titles on one or both sites, there’s a good chance you’ll find that your rankings on some titles will have increased on DriveThruRPG.

What about my Publisher Promotion Points and marketing impressions?

No worries. Your Publisher Promotion Points (PPP) are already shared across sister sites. They are compiled by publisher, not by site.

If you have used your PPP to purchase site impressions for banners or featured product messages on RPGNow, you will also be reimbursed, commensurately, for those expenditures on DriveThruRPG.

Why is this happening?

Here’s the big picture: In the 12 years since RPGNow and DriveThruRPG merged, the growth of RPGNow has tapered off constantly, while DriveThruRPG has continued to grow strongly, year over year, since it launched in 2004. We’ve reached the point where RPGNow rarely draws new customers or publishers and sells less than one-tenth the volume of titles purchased on DriveThruRPG.

To be honest, we have known this moment would come for years now. We’ve just finally decided it’s time to put the RPGNow brand out to pasture.

Although BRW Games has routinely done most of its work through the RPGNow branded site, our operations will be uninterrupted by this change. You might see complimentary PDF and our very rare marketing and sales emails coming from the other domain now, but that’s about it.

New website!

As you’ve probably already noticed, we’ve got a snazzy new website!

Hope you find it easier to get around and more useful in general. We’ve made the change to accommodate some great new stuff that’s coming up soon.